"Don't like or share, just learn & dare" Mohamed Aly
"Don't like or share, just learn & dare" Mohamed Aly
This article is to support one of my dear students & friends who have developed part of the idea within our learning sessions :-) So proud of you my dear and best wishes for all.
Pet Care. This is a $100 billion global industry that’s growing much faster than many other consumer packaged goods verticals, but it suffers from the same systemic pain points, including reseller channels that sever direct customer relationships. Digital services are changing all that. Retail pet food companies are turning into digital pet health services. Today you can go to Animals Egypt, fill out a quick profile, and based on your pet’s age and breed they’ll send you the right kind of food; relevant suggestions around nutrition, health, and grooming issues; and access to a dedicated staff of veterinary technicians.
Egyptreneur Initiative is really so proud to support and introduce this huge project launched by one of our sincere contributors in our community .
What is the message of Animals Egypt to their customers :
"we provide a mixture between Medicine and nutrition, our job is to help you, keep your pets happy and healthy. We know how much you love your pets because we love ours too. Our staff is committed to continually learning more about pet care, products and nutrition. And our nutrition doctors stay in touch with updates of new brands. We promise we will always do our best for you and the animals you love.
Be sure to visit their site often , Also you can visit their Facebook Page to get the latest news and announcements. At Animal Store You Will really Find…
– Friendly, knowledgeable staff
– A clean, bright well-stocked store
– Lots of great products
– Wide selection of healthy birds
– Competitive prices
– A convenient location and hours
– All your favorite brands, especially hard-to-find pet health foods
– Live and packaged foods
– Run by pet lovers for pet lovers…"
Animals Egypt's Centers in multi-locations have a huge inventory of Pets and Pet Supplies including:
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